■ Dosun S1 Bike Lamp / ドゥーサン S1 バイクランプ
■ Dosun S1 Bike Lamp / ドゥーサン S1 バイクランプ
自転車産業が活発なTaiwanからDosun Solar Technology CO.,LTD製 S1 Bike Lampの登場です。
ドゥーサン S1 バイクランプは、単3 x2本で使用でき、電池無しで53g (電池込で約103g)の軽量コンパクト設計で、Max 130Lumens、5モード切替、バッテリーインジケーター機能搭載、 Cree X-Lamp XP-E LED搭載、Bi-Light Evolution SRTテクノロジー ( Smart Reflector tech ) で手前1m-10m先までカバーする照射を実現(10m先の照射は同社が誇るワイド横長照射で、対向車や対人に対して眩しくない上方向の光をカットする仕組み)した、自転車に特化したハイパワーLEDライトです。
S1 Bike Lampのヘッド部銀色の部分は、アルミ製で出来ておりヒートシンクとしてコンバータから発生する熱を効率よく放熱する仕組みです。
パワーON/OFF兼モード切替スイッチは、バッテリーゲージ ( 電池容量警告表示機能 )も兼ねており、バッテリー残量が豊富にある時は青、電圧が下がってくると赤で発光します。
S1 is the new product of 2009. DOSON used SRT technology (Smart Reflector tech) to innovate this bike light. Besides, we reduce the shape size and still keep the samefunction of the M1. S1 meet the Germany StVZO 22A NO23 standard and bi-light function.
Bi-light function: The beam is clearly showing from ground of 1M at the front to 10M at the ahead.
This idea was coming from the car head light with cut-off line to prevent upcoming rider’s eyes.
With the perfect aluminum alloy heat sink on the top, it will keep LED high performance and working life cycle.
Using 2AA batteries will keep 2.5 hours non-stop lighting at the strong mode.
S1 has 5 easy light switch modes: Strong / Medium / Weak / Flash and Strobe.
You could enjoy any modes during the ride.
§ S1 is the smallest size to meet the Germany Standard in the world.
・Bi-Light SRT
Computer- Calculating collimator reflects, Collimator optical reflect with superior quality can optimize to conduct LED light beam via the computer, the spotlight result is substantially promoted, and light distance get farther! 1 M Front light and 10 M Ahead light at the same time( Rainforce branch of llumination range ).
・Rain Proof
High degree rain-resistant, even workable on the heavy rains.
・Constant Circuit
Built-in micro controller and regulated circuit designed, which can take 100% utilization of the batteries, extended battery life. (When using 2 AA 2700 mAh Ni-MH batteries at 3th permanent bright mode (lowest output) is up to 10 hours battery life time.) It can works in the -25°C.
・5 Modes
5 modes Beam control switch – Strong, Medium, Weak, Flash and Tactical Strobe. Press and hold the switch for 1sec. to turn it off.
・Battery Gauge
LED Power Indicator : Blue : Full Power / Red : Low Power, time to reload
Working temperature: -25°C~+ 80°C
Size: 105 mm x 36mm x 26mm
Weight: 53 g w/o Battery (103 g with Batteries)
Battery : 2 LR-06(AA) batteries.
Runtime : 15 hours. (constant brightest lights : 3 hours)
Warranty : 1 year, limited
HV : more than 10 Lux (the center of spot) @ 10 M
販売価格¥6,090 (税込)
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